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Consultation has concluded
We're looking at options for extending Heritage Road to Road 2 West. This new collector road will alleviate traffic on Main Street and support growth in Kingsville. Other benefits include:
Intersection improvements at Main and Heritage
Improved active transportation connectivity
Servicing lands in the southwest quadrant of Kingsville to help facilitate development on that side of the Town
We need to ensure that we meet the Environmental Assessment (EA) Act requirements, so we have begun a legislated Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process to help guide the decision-making for this infrastructure project.
Who pays for this?
Development charges will fund 90% of the road construction. General taxation, potential grants, etc., will support the remaining 10% of the project.
Study Area and Road Alignment
Below is a map of the study area showing the potential alignment of an extension of Heritage Road from Main Street to Road 2 West.
Proposed Cross Section
Below is an image showing how this new road extension could look. Some proposed features include curbs, street lighting, a two-way cycle track, and a sidewalk.
Next Steps
Completion of the Class EA is expected during the summer of 2024. Construction of underground servicing can begin in 2025 as long as all necessary approvals are received. Once underground servicing is complete, road construction begins.
What do you think of the proposal?
Do you have comments or questions about this new collector road? We'd love to hear from you or see you at an upcoming Public Engagement Centre. Feel free to connect with us virtually or in person.
We're looking at options for extending Heritage Road to Road 2 West. This new collector road will alleviate traffic on Main Street and support growth in Kingsville. Other benefits include:
Intersection improvements at Main and Heritage
Improved active transportation connectivity
Servicing lands in the southwest quadrant of Kingsville to help facilitate development on that side of the Town
We need to ensure that we meet the Environmental Assessment (EA) Act requirements, so we have begun a legislated Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process to help guide the decision-making for this infrastructure project.
Who pays for this?
Development charges will fund 90% of the road construction. General taxation, potential grants, etc., will support the remaining 10% of the project.
Study Area and Road Alignment
Below is a map of the study area showing the potential alignment of an extension of Heritage Road from Main Street to Road 2 West.
Proposed Cross Section
Below is an image showing how this new road extension could look. Some proposed features include curbs, street lighting, a two-way cycle track, and a sidewalk.
Next Steps
Completion of the Class EA is expected during the summer of 2024. Construction of underground servicing can begin in 2025 as long as all necessary approvals are received. Once underground servicing is complete, road construction begins.
What do you think of the proposal?
Do you have comments or questions about this new collector road? We'd love to hear from you or see you at an upcoming Public Engagement Centre. Feel free to connect with us virtually or in person.
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A separate and dedicated two-way bike lane is a great plan, the more bicycle/multi-use infrastructure the better. I also think the town should complete this in one phase as other people have mentioned, even if it means pushing back the completion date of the project. Lastly, roundabouts should be heavily considered for improving intersections since they are efficient and require less maintenance than a traffic light.
Kyle D
10 months ago
We live just off of Heritage and have been waiting in anticipation for this project to begin. We would absolutely take this route to go East BUT it needs to be done in one phase - all the way to Road 2. I don't know what the issue is (land ownership, budget etc) but it needs to be resolved. If this is going to be done according to this plan, it's going to increase traffic even more through Palmer and the neighbourhood feeding it. Turning left on Division from Palmer is already frustrating. It appears that we are expecting sub-divisions being built along this "collector road" which is welcome, but we can't put the cart before the horse or put off solving the problems that would inevitably come by doing it according to this proposal. Thank you for the opportunity to provide our input.
Lynn McLaughlin
10 months ago
I’m agreeing with the other comments. I think the first stage is to have a completed road from Main Street to Road 2, otherwise, it’s just a waste of time. I’m also going to assume that the contractors who will be building homes off this road are weighing heavy in this plan. If you are trying to convince the townspeople that this will alleviate traffic in town, make the road complete first to support your claim.
10 months ago
As others have mentioned, the entire collector road should be built in one phase, not two. I'm also wondering why the two "proposed connection" roads are not aligned with the two east-west roads to the east "Palmer Dr and O'Halloran St? We need to be building higher density, walkable neighbourhoods with straightforward (grid) street layouts. We don't need anymore winding road to nowhere car-dependant suburbs. New developments should contribute to the tax based and not be subsidised by the existing tax base. Mixed-use zoning must be the way forward.
11 months ago
This is a proposal that should be positively considered, yet cognizant of the land it will require to develop. I agree that this would surely alleviate unnecessary traffic that flows on Main Street.
about 1 year ago
Like many others have said, this is a road to nowhere until the second phase is constructed - let alone designed - at a 'later date.' I can't support this proposal until that date. Until the plan is complete, tentative land purchase agreements are in place, and all assessments for stage two are finalized, this isn't a traffic alleviating venture.
I am curious about the choice to leave out the connecting segment in the planning phase - what difficulty along this stretch is causing the design to be kicked down the road? If budgetary, why not push it back slightly and allocate funds from upcoming budgets? If for other reasons, I believe those should be communicated alongside the proposal so that it makes more sense to layperson residents who are baffled by this choice.
I also wonder when the development of the lands along the eastern access roads will begin. Before the completion of phase 2 that makes this a throughway? If so, this would definitively create more traffic and delays, as all traffic would still be funnelling south toward Main Street and downtown. Including, possibly, construction vehicles and personnel. If development happens before completion of the actual connection, then are we also bussing more students through downtown to school on the east side of town? More residents traversing Main Street for their daily commutes?
I would suggest that the town forego development until a functional through-way is completed. Until then, this is a road to nowhere. In this form, this incomplete proposal is impossible for me to support. Otherwise, it has the appearance of a residential development plan, and not a traffic-alleviating collector road.
W Taylor
about 1 year ago
This isn't going to help with traffic on main Street this is a waste of tax dollars
about 1 year ago
I think this road is an excellent idea and much needed. I believe the way you are going about it is a complete waste of our tax dollars as it is a road to no where and does not fulfil what I see as the primary objective, which is reducing traffic on Main and Division at the 4 corners. There will be no alleviation of traffic elsewhere until you do this. You also should have planned this all the way to road 3, not 2. You need to think bigger and more long term. The short term thinking you have now just costs us all more money later.
Also you need a similar plan for the east side. Start working on it now so we have a plan.
about 1 year ago
How long before the final faze connecting to road 2 is completed and why is it not being done at the same time as the rest of the road. Will this be a roadway to nowhere so kids can use it as a drag strip. My guess is you have not secured all the land. Get this secured before you spend the money.
John B
over 1 year ago
Collector road is definitely needed. With increase building expansion the downtown streets have become over congested. This will also keep the truck traffic from greenhouse operations and construction operations away from the downtown. This cost should not be put on general taxes but back on the large greenhouse operations who will benefit from this and also development charges.
John B
over 1 year ago
Stop wasting money on a road we don't need And stop raising property taxes
over 1 year ago
Stop spending so much money so you don't have to raise property taxes every year
over 1 year ago
Proposal looks good! When do we start using roundabouts at intersections considering they much more efficient and require less maintenance depending on how you design them. Considering that almost everything now a days is a bout climate and pollution why don’t we consider getting ahead of the game and show that we are willing to innovate. Bike and walking lanes are designed into the project which is great! Thx!!
over 1 year ago
With the understanding that the intent is to not allow any residential driveways along this road (which could create a hazard for cyclists, most especially e-bike riders) and that the rear of the lots will be along the new road, we support the proposal 100%! Such a multi-modal road will be suitable for many different transportation modes and users. Tom Omstead for Share the Road - Essex County.
Tom O
over 1 year ago
How long before the last segment would be completed after the main stretch is completed? In other words how long will it be a road to nowhere?? It clearly states that it will be designed and constructed by an outside firm.
The watcher
over 1 year ago
We will also need to put a traffic light or caution lights at both Heritage and the 2nd.
over 1 year ago
I think it is GREAT,no more traffic problems going East and the 2nd Con.will be completed going East !! My wife and my self support this 100%
A separate and dedicated two-way bike lane is a great plan, the more bicycle/multi-use infrastructure the better. I also think the town should complete this in one phase as other people have mentioned, even if it means pushing back the completion date of the project. Lastly, roundabouts should be heavily considered for improving intersections since they are efficient and require less maintenance than a traffic light.
We live just off of Heritage and have been waiting in anticipation for this project to begin. We would absolutely take this route to go East BUT it needs to be done in one phase - all the way to Road 2. I don't know what the issue is (land ownership, budget etc) but it needs to be resolved. If this is going to be done according to this plan, it's going to increase traffic even more through Palmer and the neighbourhood feeding it. Turning left on Division from Palmer is already frustrating. It appears that we are expecting sub-divisions being built along this "collector road" which is welcome, but we can't put the cart before the horse or put off solving the problems that would inevitably come by doing it according to this proposal. Thank you for the opportunity to provide our input.
I’m agreeing with the other comments. I think the first stage is to have a completed road from Main Street to Road 2, otherwise, it’s just a waste of time. I’m also going to assume that the contractors who will be building homes off this road are weighing heavy in this plan. If you are trying to convince the townspeople that this will alleviate traffic in town, make the road complete first to support your claim.
As others have mentioned, the entire collector road should be built in one phase, not two. I'm also wondering why the two "proposed connection" roads are not aligned with the two east-west roads to the east "Palmer Dr and O'Halloran St? We need to be building higher density, walkable neighbourhoods with straightforward (grid) street layouts. We don't need anymore winding road to nowhere car-dependant suburbs. New developments should contribute to the tax based and not be subsidised by the existing tax base. Mixed-use zoning must be the way forward.
This is a proposal that should be positively considered, yet cognizant of the land it will require to develop. I agree that this would surely alleviate unnecessary traffic that flows on Main Street.
Like many others have said, this is a road to nowhere until the second phase is constructed - let alone designed - at a 'later date.' I can't support this proposal until that date. Until the plan is complete, tentative land purchase agreements are in place, and all assessments for stage two are finalized, this isn't a traffic alleviating venture.
I am curious about the choice to leave out the connecting segment in the planning phase - what difficulty along this stretch is causing the design to be kicked down the road? If budgetary, why not push it back slightly and allocate funds from upcoming budgets? If for other reasons, I believe those should be communicated alongside the proposal so that it makes more sense to layperson residents who are baffled by this choice.
I also wonder when the development of the lands along the eastern access roads will begin. Before the completion of phase 2 that makes this a throughway? If so, this would definitively create more traffic and delays, as all traffic would still be funnelling south toward Main Street and downtown. Including, possibly, construction vehicles and personnel. If development happens before completion of the actual connection, then are we also bussing more students through downtown to school on the east side of town? More residents traversing Main Street for their daily commutes?
I would suggest that the town forego development until a functional through-way is completed. Until then, this is a road to nowhere. In this form, this incomplete proposal is impossible for me to support. Otherwise, it has the appearance of a residential development plan, and not a traffic-alleviating collector road.
This isn't going to help with traffic on main Street this is a waste of tax dollars
I think this road is an excellent idea and much needed. I believe the way you are going about it is a complete waste of our tax dollars as it is a road to no where and does not fulfil what I see as the primary objective, which is reducing traffic on Main and Division at the 4 corners. There will be no alleviation of traffic elsewhere until you do this. You also should have planned this all the way to road 3, not 2. You need to think bigger and more long term. The short term thinking you have now just costs us all more money later.
Also you need a similar plan for the east side. Start working on it now so we have a plan.
How long before the final faze connecting to road 2 is completed and why is it not being done at the same time as the rest of the road. Will this be a roadway to nowhere so kids can use it as a drag strip. My guess is you have not secured all the land. Get this secured before you spend the money.
Collector road is definitely needed. With increase building expansion the downtown streets have become over congested. This will also keep the truck traffic from greenhouse operations and construction operations away from the downtown. This cost should not be put on general taxes but back on the large greenhouse operations who will benefit from this and also development charges.
Stop wasting money on a road we don't need
And stop raising property taxes
Stop spending so much money so you don't have to raise property taxes every year
Proposal looks good! When do we start using roundabouts at intersections considering they much more efficient and require less maintenance depending on how you design them. Considering that almost everything now a days is a bout climate and pollution why don’t we consider getting ahead of the game and show that we are willing to innovate. Bike and walking lanes are designed into the project which is great! Thx!!
With the understanding that the intent is to not allow any residential driveways along this road (which could create a hazard for cyclists, most especially e-bike riders) and that the rear of the lots will be along the new road, we support the proposal 100%! Such a multi-modal road will be suitable for many different transportation modes and users. Tom Omstead for Share the Road - Essex County.
How long before the last segment would be completed after the main stretch is completed?
In other words how long will it be a road to nowhere??
It clearly states that it will be designed and constructed by an outside firm.
We will also need to put a traffic light or caution lights at both Heritage and the 2nd.
I think it is GREAT,no more traffic problems going East and the 2nd Con.will be completed going East !! My wife and my self support this 100%