Mandatory Water Meter Upgrade Program

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Consultation has concluded

Kingsville's current meter reading system requires a significant upgrade. Many meters in Kingsville have reached the end of their useful life, and the Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technology used to acquire meter reads is obsolete. The Town has contracted Neptune Technology Group to upgrade all the water meters in our community to Automated Metering Infrastructure (AMI).

The upgrading of water meters is mandatory for everyone in Kingsville using municipal water services.

Automated Metering Infrastructure provides the following advantages:

  • Revenue Protection: e.g., reduced theft and tampering, identifying stopped meters
  • Operational efficiency: e.g., improved response times and reduced meter reading expenses.
  • Improved Distribution System Performance: e.g., leak detection, district metering, and demand monitoring.
  • Enhanced Customer Service: e.g., the ability to notify residents quickly about atypical water consumption as we can read hourly versus quarterly.
  • Societal/Environmental Benefits: e.g., improvements in water conservation and carbon emissions.

Here's what we're doing:

  • All meters, 10 years or older will be entirely replaced. There are approximately 4725 indoors that will require an appointment and 2570 in meter pits that will not require an appointment.
  • Meters 10 years and under will be retrofitted with new transmitters to ensure they are compatible with the new system. There are 1151 meters in this age group. In most circumstances, no appointment will be required.
  • Neptune will also install 4 Fixed Network Data Collectors, AMI Meter Reading and Data Collection Software and provide ongoing support and licencing.

What this means for you:

If Neptune requires access to the inside of your home, you will receive a letter asking you to set up an appointment for the installation. Please use the reference number and link they provide to book your appointment within one week of receiving your notice.

If Neptune does not require access to the inside of your home, they will not set up an appointment but will still need access to your property. Please understand that you might see a contractor walking around your property. Every authorized Neptune technician is uniformed and carries identification, including name, picture, and ID number.

There is no charge for the new meter or the installation. However, the upgrade is mandatory and requires approximately 30-90 minutes to complete, during which time we will briefly shut off your water service. Any account holders who are non-compliant 50 days after receiving their initial contact letter with booking instructions will be subject to a water shut-off.

Please use this page to ask questions about the program or provide customer service feedback about your experience. We appreciate your cooperation.

Where's Neptune?

This map of Neptune work area shows where Neptune is currently working and will give you an idea of when you'll receive your booking letter.

Kingsville's current meter reading system requires a significant upgrade. Many meters in Kingsville have reached the end of their useful life, and the Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technology used to acquire meter reads is obsolete. The Town has contracted Neptune Technology Group to upgrade all the water meters in our community to Automated Metering Infrastructure (AMI).

The upgrading of water meters is mandatory for everyone in Kingsville using municipal water services.

Automated Metering Infrastructure provides the following advantages:

  • Revenue Protection: e.g., reduced theft and tampering, identifying stopped meters
  • Operational efficiency: e.g., improved response times and reduced meter reading expenses.
  • Improved Distribution System Performance: e.g., leak detection, district metering, and demand monitoring.
  • Enhanced Customer Service: e.g., the ability to notify residents quickly about atypical water consumption as we can read hourly versus quarterly.
  • Societal/Environmental Benefits: e.g., improvements in water conservation and carbon emissions.

Here's what we're doing:

  • All meters, 10 years or older will be entirely replaced. There are approximately 4725 indoors that will require an appointment and 2570 in meter pits that will not require an appointment.
  • Meters 10 years and under will be retrofitted with new transmitters to ensure they are compatible with the new system. There are 1151 meters in this age group. In most circumstances, no appointment will be required.
  • Neptune will also install 4 Fixed Network Data Collectors, AMI Meter Reading and Data Collection Software and provide ongoing support and licencing.

What this means for you:

If Neptune requires access to the inside of your home, you will receive a letter asking you to set up an appointment for the installation. Please use the reference number and link they provide to book your appointment within one week of receiving your notice.

If Neptune does not require access to the inside of your home, they will not set up an appointment but will still need access to your property. Please understand that you might see a contractor walking around your property. Every authorized Neptune technician is uniformed and carries identification, including name, picture, and ID number.

There is no charge for the new meter or the installation. However, the upgrade is mandatory and requires approximately 30-90 minutes to complete, during which time we will briefly shut off your water service. Any account holders who are non-compliant 50 days after receiving their initial contact letter with booking instructions will be subject to a water shut-off.

Please use this page to ask questions about the program or provide customer service feedback about your experience. We appreciate your cooperation.

Where's Neptune?

This map of Neptune work area shows where Neptune is currently working and will give you an idea of when you'll receive your booking letter.

Consultation has concluded

Do you have questions about your water meter upgrade? Let us know how we can help. To prevent unnecessary delays, check our FAQ section first to see if your question has already been answered there. 

If we think your question would interest others, the project lead will answer it publicly. In such cases, your screen name will be attached to the question on the project page. If you prefer your question to remain private, please let us know when submitting it.  

  • Share My meter was changed 10/17/2023. It's not even a year old, so I don't need a new one correct? But got a letter anyhow. Why? on Facebook Share My meter was changed 10/17/2023. It's not even a year old, so I don't need a new one correct? But got a letter anyhow. Why? on Twitter Share My meter was changed 10/17/2023. It's not even a year old, so I don't need a new one correct? But got a letter anyhow. Why? on Linkedin Email My meter was changed 10/17/2023. It's not even a year old, so I don't need a new one correct? But got a letter anyhow. Why? link

    My meter was changed 10/17/2023. It's not even a year old, so I don't need a new one correct? But got a letter anyhow. Why?

    NandT asked 10 months ago


    Meters older than 10 years old are being replaced, meters less than 10 years old are being retrofitted. Your meter will not be replaced, but we'll need to replace the reader wired to your meter. An appointment will still be needed. 


    - Shaun 

  • Share Cottam, GN1 44 marked on the map, it does not appear the project will be coming this way until maybe 2025 or later given the progress so far. I'm asking becasue we frequently travel from the area and would need at least 90 days notice to pick a week that we would be in this home. Thoughts on timeline we are looking at ? on Facebook Share Cottam, GN1 44 marked on the map, it does not appear the project will be coming this way until maybe 2025 or later given the progress so far. I'm asking becasue we frequently travel from the area and would need at least 90 days notice to pick a week that we would be in this home. Thoughts on timeline we are looking at ? on Twitter Share Cottam, GN1 44 marked on the map, it does not appear the project will be coming this way until maybe 2025 or later given the progress so far. I'm asking becasue we frequently travel from the area and would need at least 90 days notice to pick a week that we would be in this home. Thoughts on timeline we are looking at ? on Linkedin Email Cottam, GN1 44 marked on the map, it does not appear the project will be coming this way until maybe 2025 or later given the progress so far. I'm asking becasue we frequently travel from the area and would need at least 90 days notice to pick a week that we would be in this home. Thoughts on timeline we are looking at ? link

    Cottam, GN1 44 marked on the map, it does not appear the project will be coming this way until maybe 2025 or later given the progress so far. I'm asking becasue we frequently travel from the area and would need at least 90 days notice to pick a week that we would be in this home. Thoughts on timeline we are looking at ?

    tryinit asked 10 months ago


    Actually we area ahead of schedule on this project. We have installed over 60% of all the meters and should be finished sometime this summer. We will be opening the Gosfield North Areas this week. You will begin receiving print material in the mail with directions on how to schedule an appoint shortly after that.


    - Shaun  

  • Share Can they move my water meter from inside the house to outside the house? on Facebook Share Can they move my water meter from inside the house to outside the house? on Twitter Share Can they move my water meter from inside the house to outside the house? on Linkedin Email Can they move my water meter from inside the house to outside the house? link

    Can they move my water meter from inside the house to outside the house?

    Jenna asked about 1 year ago

    Hello Jenna,

    Thank you for contacting us. Your question is timely because we were asked to look into an alternative option for residents who prefer not to have the new meter installed in their home. Instead, we can install the new meter in a pit at the property line at the resident’s cost. The cost for materials and labour is $2500.00 and will need to be paid upfront before the Town coordinates the work. Please let us know if you are interested in moving forward.


    - Shaun 

  • Share Further to my query earlier that included fire hazards from smart meters, you might want to get ahead of the game, Mr. Martinho, and read this article that was actually on mainstream media! (so you can’t say it is a conspiracy theory if it is on CTV, CBC….🤦‍♀️. ) So please take a look at it and reconsider installing any more SMART meters. They are dangerous, invade our privacy, add to the EMFs we are exposed to, and I’m sure they eliminate jobs since the reads are automatically sent to the tower so less need for meter readers, right? on Facebook Share Further to my query earlier that included fire hazards from smart meters, you might want to get ahead of the game, Mr. Martinho, and read this article that was actually on mainstream media! (so you can’t say it is a conspiracy theory if it is on CTV, CBC….🤦‍♀️. ) So please take a look at it and reconsider installing any more SMART meters. They are dangerous, invade our privacy, add to the EMFs we are exposed to, and I’m sure they eliminate jobs since the reads are automatically sent to the tower so less need for meter readers, right? on Twitter Share Further to my query earlier that included fire hazards from smart meters, you might want to get ahead of the game, Mr. Martinho, and read this article that was actually on mainstream media! (so you can’t say it is a conspiracy theory if it is on CTV, CBC….🤦‍♀️. ) So please take a look at it and reconsider installing any more SMART meters. They are dangerous, invade our privacy, add to the EMFs we are exposed to, and I’m sure they eliminate jobs since the reads are automatically sent to the tower so less need for meter readers, right? on Linkedin Email Further to my query earlier that included fire hazards from smart meters, you might want to get ahead of the game, Mr. Martinho, and read this article that was actually on mainstream media! (so you can’t say it is a conspiracy theory if it is on CTV, CBC….🤦‍♀️. ) So please take a look at it and reconsider installing any more SMART meters. They are dangerous, invade our privacy, add to the EMFs we are exposed to, and I’m sure they eliminate jobs since the reads are automatically sent to the tower so less need for meter readers, right? link

    Further to my query earlier that included fire hazards from smart meters, you might want to get ahead of the game, Mr. Martinho, and read this article that was actually on mainstream media! (so you can’t say it is a conspiracy theory if it is on CTV, CBC….🤦‍♀️. ) So please take a look at it and reconsider installing any more SMART meters. They are dangerous, invade our privacy, add to the EMFs we are exposed to, and I’m sure they eliminate jobs since the reads are automatically sent to the tower so less need for meter readers, right?

    YGS asked about 1 year ago


    The article you are referring to is about electrical meters, not water meters. Electrical (or hydro) meters are directly wired and have unlimited power. The devices we’re installing run on low-powered batteries. Neptune has been using these devices for over 20 years, and they have been installed in homes across North America. There are no reports of these devices causing any fires.


    - Shaun

  • Share If the meter is inside the house, how do you read it now? on Facebook Share If the meter is inside the house, how do you read it now? on Twitter Share If the meter is inside the house, how do you read it now? on Linkedin Email If the meter is inside the house, how do you read it now? link

    If the meter is inside the house, how do you read it now?

    Janis Chadwick asked about 1 year ago

    Hi Janice, thank you for your question. Currently, meters use radio frequency readers which are wired to the meter and mounted on a wall outside your home. Staff members drive specific routes to acquire meter reads. The new meters will use the same type of system (radio frequency meters installed outside the home), but instead of staff driving to collect the data, we will use data collectors mounted on fixed based towers. Even though the new meters largely perform the same function as the ones we are currently using, the meters we’re replacing are no longer serviced and have reached the end of their useful life. They need to be upgraded/retrofitted to be compatible with the new reading software.  - Tara

  • Share Why does my meter need to be changed if the house is only 5 1/2 years old? Makes no sense on Facebook Share Why does my meter need to be changed if the house is only 5 1/2 years old? Makes no sense on Twitter Share Why does my meter need to be changed if the house is only 5 1/2 years old? Makes no sense on Linkedin Email Why does my meter need to be changed if the house is only 5 1/2 years old? Makes no sense link

    Why does my meter need to be changed if the house is only 5 1/2 years old? Makes no sense

    Mike Hrycyshyn asked about 1 year ago

    Meters less than 10 years old need to be retrofitted to be compatible with the new reading software. It's important that everyone participate for this upgrade to roll out effectively. - Tara

  • Share Do I have to be at home? How do I find out where my water meter is? I've never had a request for someone to enter my home to read it. on Facebook Share Do I have to be at home? How do I find out where my water meter is? I've never had a request for someone to enter my home to read it. on Twitter Share Do I have to be at home? How do I find out where my water meter is? I've never had a request for someone to enter my home to read it. on Linkedin Email Do I have to be at home? How do I find out where my water meter is? I've never had a request for someone to enter my home to read it. link

    Do I have to be at home? How do I find out where my water meter is? I've never had a request for someone to enter my home to read it.

    Cindy Jackson asked about 1 year ago

    Your meter may not be inside of your home. It could be outside. The technician will be able to assist you in locating the meter. If Neptune requires access to the inside of your home, someone will need to be home. Evening and weekend appointments are available. This information is expanded on in our FAQ section. You will receive more details in your initial contact booking letter when Neptune moves into your territory. Hope that helps. - Tara

  • Share Does anyone need to come in the house? Does the water need to be off? on Facebook Share Does anyone need to come in the house? Does the water need to be off? on Twitter Share Does anyone need to come in the house? Does the water need to be off? on Linkedin Email Does anyone need to come in the house? Does the water need to be off? link

    Does anyone need to come in the house? Does the water need to be off?

    JTL asked about 1 year ago

    If your meter is in your home, yes, they will need access. The upgrade procedure will take 30 - 90 minutes to complete, during with time the water will be briefly shut off. 

  • Share Our meter has been read outside remotely for years. Are all meters being changed or only houses that donot have the remote read capability ? on Facebook Share Our meter has been read outside remotely for years. Are all meters being changed or only houses that donot have the remote read capability ? on Twitter Share Our meter has been read outside remotely for years. Are all meters being changed or only houses that donot have the remote read capability ? on Linkedin Email Our meter has been read outside remotely for years. Are all meters being changed or only houses that donot have the remote read capability ? link

    Our meter has been read outside remotely for years. Are all meters being changed or only houses that donot have the remote read capability ?

    Dave Hislop asked about 1 year ago

    Hello Dave, We are changing all meters,. If they are 10 years or older, they will be entirely replaced. If they're under 10 years, they will be retrofitted with new transmitters to ensure they are compatible with the new system. - Tara

  • Share Will there still be a visible digit display to read as a consumer to compare to the billing quantity? on Facebook Share Will there still be a visible digit display to read as a consumer to compare to the billing quantity? on Twitter Share Will there still be a visible digit display to read as a consumer to compare to the billing quantity? on Linkedin Email Will there still be a visible digit display to read as a consumer to compare to the billing quantity? link

    Will there still be a visible digit display to read as a consumer to compare to the billing quantity?

    Dave Cours asked about 1 year ago

    Hello Dave. Yes, you will still visibly be able to see your meter and the digit display. - Tara